About plants
Czy wiesz, że ciemierniki nazywane są różami Bożego Narodzenia? Kwitną w ogrodach właśnie teraz - od listopada do kwietnia. Ich trujące oraz lecznicze właściwości znane były już Hipokratesowi (V/IV w....
Wild strawberry
Strawberry - the one who knows it well, who often wanders around the forest. It would be good for a larger group to get to know her and became infatuated...
Lungwort - an inconspicuous plant that works wonders for the body. Brew it in autumn and you will avoid the flu.
Wężymord - where does this name come from?
Węzymurd - the name sounds very harsh, but it will save you when you feel bad.
Cabbage - a wonderful vegetable with a wide ran...
Cabbage, cabbage... It's not empty at all. It contains a lot of good and helps when the disease debilitates.